Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Because one blog post isn't enough...

Ready for our morning tour of the mountain! I promise, these hats were really meant to block the sun.

Yes, this is really their backyard.
Cousin Mik & Mu, a university student who happened to be home for vacation!
 Spent the tractor ride getting to know the two!
Beyond this beauty is the site of the proposed Iron Mine. The mine will destroy 98 rais (roughly 40 acres) of agriculture lands.
Our last night the villagers held a baci ceremony for us to welcome us into their lives.
A traditional female dance was performed for us with all smiles and plenty of laughter.
We spent the night dancing and drinking!  And of course showing off in our patoongs.
We all enjoyed the home-made tree whiskey.
We all had such a hard time saying goodbye on the last morning! We were 45 minutes late to our next exchange...

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