Sunday, September 15, 2013

A taste of Village life


The most amazing green I've ever seen. Corn, banana trees, cassava, papaya trees, and more covering the entire mountain tops.

The tractors about to ascend some steep terrain.

Mekong River & Laos in the background

 On "Community Scoping Day," we went out to Loei Province to meet with the community members that our unit will focus on. The theme of our unit is Mining & Natural Resources, and we learned that our community's lies very close to the area in which an Iron Mine may be built. We took a three-hour tractor ride up the mountain to see first hand the extent to which this mine will affect the community. The mountain is absolutely covered with crops that the village depends on for food and income. If the mine is built, they will need to use almost a hundred rais of this farmland. Our job as students is to listen to the villagers and work with them to come together as a community and defend their rights. We will be returning to Loei in October so stick around till then! 

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