Thursday, August 15, 2013

One flight down!

13 hours, 6 TV episodes, 3 movies, and less than 2 hours of sleep later, I made it to Tokyo! The flight was very uneventful but it went by so quickly which I'm extremely grateful for. Flying over Japan was breathtaking; everything looked so green, spacious, and healthy, and I even flew over a small windpower farm! I'm looking forward to meeting a couple of other students from my program who will be on the flight to Bangkok; wish me luck in finding them! Upon arrival we will spend a total of 6 nights, 7 days getting to know one another and learning about Thai culture and the language. We spend two nights in Bangkok, and 4 nights in a resort way outside of Bangkok. I cannot wait to meet the people I will be spending the next four months with, and to share everything with you! Bye for now and talk to you in Thailand. ลาก่อน (Goodbye in Thai... I think)

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