Sunday, December 15, 2013

More Than Memories

The last week or so consisted of sleepless nights hanging out with friends that mean the most to me. I met some incredible people and I wish more than anything it didn't have to end so soon. Here's to you Khon Kaen for the inspiration, happiness, and the best semester of my life, there are too many to thank but you know who you are!

"Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts."

Two incredibly talented people
  Some of the kindest and most creative people I've met all semester, going to miss this place and these new friends so much!
Wish we had more time Finview pals!
Nights like these...
Friends like these...

And a final cheers to you all.... the past four months are forever in my heart.

A Final Reflection

On one of our very last days in Khon Kaen, we were given an hour and a dozen colors of paint and were told to reflect.
Below are a few of the beautiful pieces my friends produced!

Going to miss this incredible group so much. You've all changed me this semester, and I can't thank you enough for all the love and support!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

4 Months Later And.....

We stumbled upon possibly the most beautiful temples of them all, Phra Maha Chedi Chai Mongkol in Roi Et Province. It means  "the Great, Victorious and Auspicious Pagoda," and is one of the largest in all of Thailand. 

A beautiful garden filled the grounds of this huge courtyard.

Just being classy tourists.
A windy day at the top!
Beautiful beautiful stained glass
Intricate designs like this line entire walls and pillars.
Each square is glued by hand; we saw two women touching up on another pillar.
A winding staircase leads to the top of the Pagoda, which is said to resemble heaven. Here, the relics of the Buddha are enshrined.

The entire Pagoda was made with about 60kg of solid gold. Murals of the Buddha's life are painted across the walls, and stunning emeralds bedazzle the pillars. We were so grateful to have stopped here, and will miss these spontaneous temple visits.

Final Project Fun!

Jane, Maggie, Hannah and I had the most fun working together with villagers of Lueng Nok Tha district to educate and encourage interest in organic agriculture in Yasothorn Province. After surveying locals at the municipal market, meeting with public health officials and the mayor of Lueng Nok Tha; together with an NGO we held a forum for residents in the area. Villagers who currently grow organic produce spoke about their experiences, and we put together a powerpoint detailing our survey results and why we think eating local, organic food is important in Thailand. A huge thank you to our Ajaans for their incredible efforts throughout it all.

 Getting a tour of the farmer's school, where they teach the children organic  farming practices
Beautiful greens at the market
Just a vendor and her pup!

Quick puppy break
Ready to present our pamplets at the forum!
Little did we expect that seats would quickly fill up
Ended our forum with plenty of time for a photoshoot....or two

There's really no better way than a true Isaan feast to celebrate the end of an incredible semester!

Hacked by nongsaos!

Great night back in U-Moong with Fight, Pom, & Prim! Will miss these girls a lot, thanks for a great weekend!

Homemade soup with woonsen noodles, pork, egg, pak bloom, and cabbage!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

A Collection

Before the next three weeks fly by, this blog post will stand as a reflection of  some of the children who have brought so much happiness into my life. 


It will be these constant smiles and the endless laughter that I will long for once I'm back home.